Home For ESA Letter and PSD Letter

Your Home for Official Emotional Support Animal (ESA) & Psychiatric Service Dog (PSD) Letters

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Get Your ESA Letter or PSD Letter in 5 EASY Steps

Step 1 - Choose the type of letter

legit esa letter

Emotional Support Animals Letter:

Primarily used for long-term housing rentals.

Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) are animals that have been prescribed by a licensed healthcare professional to offer emotional support. The rights of ESA owners are protected under Federal law. ESAs help their owners with issues such as depression, anxiety disorders, PTSD, OCD and other emotional and psychological conditions. Having an ESA means that your condition is a recognized impairment under the Federal Fair Housing Act (FHA) and reasonable accommodations must be made. This means your ESA is allowed to live in most pet-free rental units; that you will not be charged pet fees or deposits for either pet-free or pet-friendly rental units. In addition, there is an exemption from breed and weight restrictions for ESA’s. This applies to long-term rentals, college dorms, etc. It does not apply to short-term rentals like an Airbnb or hotel.

More Info on ESAs


Psychiatric Service Dogs Letter:

Primarily used for long and short-term housing rentals, public transportation and access to public spaces and private spaces.

Psychiatric Service Dogs (PSDs) are dogs that have been prescribed by a healthcare professional to offer more than just emotional support. PSDs are protected under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). A PSD must be trained to perform specific tasks for their owners who have disabilities due to an emotional or psychological condition. PSDs are granted more legal rights and protections than a standard companion animal or an ESA. PSDs have public access rights, which include accompanying their owners on airline flights and other forms of public transportation. They also provide their owners with the same housing rights as an ESA under the Federal Fair Housing Act. (FHA), i.e., they are allowed in pet-free housing; they are exempt from pet fees and deposits; and there are no breed or weight restrictions. Unlike ESA’s, PSD’s are allowed in short-term rentals. In order to have your dog designated as a PSD, you must have official documentation issued by a licensed healthcare professional which states that the individual has been diagnosed with a disability and that a psychiatric service dog is part of their treatment plan. This letter serves a similar purpose to a prescription, confirming the need for a service dog to assist with the individual’s mental health condition.

More Info on PSDs


Step 2 - Complete the ESA/PSD Questionnaire.

After filling out the questionnaire, you can schedule your appointment online. If you need your letter within 8 hours, please go to Contact on our home page and choose RUSH from the drop-down menu.

Step 3 - Contact

Our licensed healthcare professional will contact you via phone or video and conduct a 15 minute consultation where a qualification determination will be made. You can schedule the appointment online after you take our questionnaire.

Step 4 - Payment

Payment can be made through our website or after your personal consultation with our therapist via credit card or Venmo. You will not be charged unless you and your pet qualify for ESA or PSD status. There is absolutely no risk involved on your part.

Official ESA Letter

Step 5 - Receive Your ESA Letter or PSD Letter

Receive your letter (PDF format) via email or in a cloud file within 8 (RUSH) or 24 hours. It’s that easy!

emotional support animal letter